Privacy notice


Privacy matters to us. Transparancy and Security are paramount.

Who we are?
Mobri Music is a music scene with a collection of artists. We aim to entertain and connect with fans.

What information do we collect?
If you sign up to be notified for future content, we will need to store the information you've entered on the form. Here's what happens to it:
the data is collected when you click "Sign Up"
Your name, email address and comment are collected.
the content is stored on the webserver for a while
the content is removed from the webserver and added to an encrypted file
the encrypted file is moved to a secure online drive where 1 person has access
the secure online environment has multfactor authentication to access

You may want to provide the user with relevant definitions in relation to personal data and sensitive personal data.

How do we use personal information?
For all the usual stuff:
notification of events
responding to queries
noting your registration as a fan
to give away exclusive freebees

When we want to send an email, we do the following:
access the database with an encryption key
copy email address to bcc of email
send email
delete sent email and record of email addresses from email system

What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?
Here's why we can use the date you've submitted:
you've given consent with clear information
there is no contract, and you can have your data deleted at any time
we have legitimate mutual interests

If you wish to withdraw from any of this and have your email contact and name etc deleted, never to be bothered again, then we will do so immediately and without issue.

When do we share personal data?

How do we secure personal data?
With restricted access, encryption and multifactor authentication, your information is a secure as any. We do our very best:
to protect data against accidental loss
to prevent unauthorised access, use, destruction or disclosure
to restrict access to personal information

How long do we keep your personal data for?
Until you tell us not to.

Your rights in relation to personal data
If you want to interact to what data we have from you, you can request access under GDPR rules. This means:
access to personal information
correction and deletion
withdrawal of consent (if processing data on condition of consent)
data portability
restriction of processing and objection
lodging a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office

How to contact us?
Via the form on this website
